When will You Celebrate YOUR Independence Day?

When will You Celebrate YOUR Independence Day?

As I sit in almost darkness this July 4th, I figured what better way to reach out then to ask you about YOUR Independence Day. Mali & I speak to Creative Entrepreneurs… and future Entrepreneurs.  How long have you been waiting to start your business journey? How long have you toiled away, wondering if you’ll ever get there? Are you scared of what someone you know will say?  Should you assume that it will be negative?  That’s self doubt…F self doubt, it’s time for you to shine…and image that “what they say” might be “Wow!!! I never knew you did that?”  or “What took you so long??”  or … ” How can I get one of those??”

[Tweet "Don't assume that what you plan to launch WON'T be a super duper amazing hit!"]

How can I know who will read this?  (How about Tweeting my quote above?)

Can you start in some way? Some super easy, simple, humble way to get your dream going?

How will it feel to look back and say “woulda, shoulda, coulda…” Hint: it will suck.


Go Independence!

It WILL be hard at times, really hard…but the sweet times are worth it, by far..

How will it feel to look back and realize your path has been hard, but valuable?  …and better than many that still cower in the corner and imagine, right?

Is there anyone you can reach out to in a similar situation that you can glean strength from?

Email us if you like, we can work with you too


Have a fantastic 4th, I can hear fireworks going off all around me.  My wife took our Granddaughter to see them close by, Ilook forward to seeing her soon…

Thanks for listening, love to hear any comments.